Facilities Manager
I grew up on a farm by Everly Iowa and went to the CC-E school. I have always enjoyed the great outdoors hunting, fishing and playing in the snow! I was married to my wife Krista in 2006. Krista and I have 3 kids Treyton, Javen, and Anna. Krista begged me to go to church with her and the kids for years, but I would never go with her. In 2013 she finally got me to go. I remember the preacher kept telling us not to take his word for it but to read our bibles for ourselves. So after listening to that for a few weeks I took some of our bill money and bought two bibles - one for me and one for my wife. I had never even opened one before and could not put mine down. God was truly speaking to me! On March 3, 2014, I was baptized and knew that day I wanted a new life in Christ Jesus and try to live every day for Him. On August 4, 2017, my daughter and I were in an accident. She went to her heavenly home to be with God, the one who gave her to me and the Father of us all. She truly loved Jesus. She had a very special relationship with him. In that, God has led me to Hope Church, I have come to serve God and his people. I want to share his love with people and watch him change their life as he teaches all of us to trust in him more and more every day. Trust that God is above all things, made all things, to him be all THE glory, all honor, and all praise!